Create a Google Map using latitude and longitude data Google Maps can be used to create your own map using location data stored in a file in any of the following formats: CSV, XLSX, KML or GPX. You must register for or sign in to a Google Account to use the following function. 1. First create or sign in to a Google Account: 2. Open Google Maps ( 3. Select Your places from the main menu 4. On the Maps tab, select See all your maps 5. Click Create a new map 6. Click Import on the on the menu on the top left 7. Click Select a file from your computer or drag and drop a file containing the GPS data (can be in CSV, XLSX, KML or GPX format). 8. Choose the columns with the location information (latitude/longitudes columns or GPS coordinates column) 9. Pick a column that contains the title for each marker and click Finish. 10. Customization Tools * Add a Title * Change the layer’s icon style, color and other display features * Pick a Basemap from the drop down menu * Insert feature labels and grouping features using the Uniform style drop down menu 11. Basic Features a. View information from all columns in your excel file by clicking on any icon on the map b. Click Add layer to add another layer to the same map